Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 4

Surprisingly we all got a little more sleep last night. Brayden is still fussy and needs food constantly. Sherry was tapped out so had to use formula to supplement during the night. Went to the pediatrician this morning to check up on this jaundice. Pediatrician sent us to the hospital to get more tests done since he was still yellow. Sherrys recovery is slow. She's in constant pain all the time and is trying to cut down on the pain killers shes taking.

Here's a picture of Brayden waiting at the hospital.

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Location:Superior Ave,Newport Beach,United States

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 3

Last day at the hospital.  Last night was as eventful as the previous one.  Brayden was hungry all night and wouldn't let Sherry sleep.  We took turns watching him.  I was able to get him to sleep for a couple of hours while Sherry got some much needed rest.  Too bad the only thing on TV was the royal wedding, that almost knocked me out while I was holding Brayden.  Good thing I brought my laptop, got to see Michael Scott's last day at "The Office".  Not too funny of an episode, but it was appropriate.  Will Ferrel's character is too over the top for that show, good thing he's not staying too long on that series.  Downloaded the "White Noise" app for the iPhone after it was recommended by the Englanders.  Worked for a little bit and does settle down Brayden when he's crying but if he's really hungry all hell breaks loose and he screams bloody murder.  Brayden seems to enjoy the beach sounds as opposed to pure white noise.  I may experiment with the other sounds on that app to see which is his favorite.

Brayden has trouble sleeping by himself.  He either needs to be carried or he sleeps with his mom.  As soon as I put him down on the hospital basinet, if he feels that no one is holding him, he starts crying.  I guess he's still used to being in enclosed spaces, hopefully he grows out of it in a few days/weeks.

They'll probably discharge us later this afternoon.  Doctors want to keep monitoring Sherry and Brayden's nursing techniques to make sure he's getting enough milk.  He's a little jaundiced but at normal levels.  Should go away as long as he keeps feeding and poops.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Picture update

Had too much to drink...hahaha

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Location:Orion Way,Newport Beach,United States

Picture update

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Location:N Newport Blvd,Newport Beach,United States

Picture update

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Location:N Newport Blvd,Newport Beach,United States

Day 2

Last night was a real trial. Brayden was up all night wanting to eat. Every time we put him down to sleep he would scream bloody murder. Sherry didn't get any sleep and I was up every hour to check on mom and baby. Baby was jaundiced this morning so the nurses took him for some testing. Pediatrician came by to explain circumcision process. Hopefully the jaundice testing and circumcision process will give Sherry some much needed time to sleep.

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Location:Westminster Ave,Newport Beach,United States


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Location:Westminster Ave,Newport Beach,United States

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Picture update

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Location:Holmwood Dr,Newport Beach,United States


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Location:Hospital Rd,Newport Beach,United States


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Location:Hospital Rd,Newport Beach,United States

Brayden's First Night

It was a pretty uneventful night. Brayden was fed every few hours throughout the night and got his first cleaning. Sherry couldn't sleep at all. Her maternal instincts kicked in and she watched the baby sleep and observed all the little sounds he made.

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Location:N Newport Blvd,Newport Beach,United States

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Welcome to the world Brayden

After a successful CSection, Brayden Vincent Valera is born! Weight 6 lbs 3 ounces. Born on 04/26/2011 at 4:31 PM on a bright beautiful Southern California day!

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Location:Catalina Dr,Newport Beach,United States

Shutting off phone.

Gonna shut off phone for now until csection is complete. Will update as soon as I can.

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Location:West Coast Hwy,Newport Beach,United States

C-Section time

Doctor recommended a csection due to the babys heart not being able to keep up during contractions. Contractions are getting further and further apart so adding more potosin (labor inducing drug) would be counterproductive. CSection should be within the next couple of hours. Next post will be when Brayden is here!!!

Location:West Coast Hwy,Newport Beach,United States


Nurse just left. Gonna have to wait for doctor. Having Sherry lay on her right side makes the heart beat drop even lower. So Sherry has to keep laying on left side. Even then heart beat drops coincide with contractions. Nurse suspects either the cord is wrapped around neck, or the cord is short...either way Brayden is getting tired and losing his energy reserves. Next update after doctor arrives.

Location:West Coast Hwy,Newport Beach,United States


Quick updates 04/26/11 3:15 PM
- Baby's heart beat drops during contractions. Dr will be in soon to assess what to do next. Most likely C-Section will be done since baby can't maintain steady heartbeat during contractions.

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Location:Hoag Dr,Newport Beach,United States