Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 10

So just when we thought we got the hang of Brayden's feeding, he threw us a curveball.  Last night he was a very fussy eater, and took his time.  We tried the tricks that were taught to us by the lactation consultant but it didn't seem to speed up his eating.  Each feeding lasted 2-3 hours last night.  After Sherry went to bed around midnight, Brayden was still wide awake and hungry.  I wanted Sherry to get some much needed rest, so I tried to substitute Brayden's food with formula.  After going through 40 ml of formula, and 4 changes of diapers, I finally got him to go to bed around 3 in the morning.  He woke up at 5 am, but at least Sherry was able to get at least 5 hours of straight sleep.  I also woke up at 5 am to help bring Brayden to Sherry and burp him.

The fussy feedings continued all through the morning and afternoon and night.  We managed to keep Brayden awake for most of the day today in hopes of having him exhausted and sleeping longer during the night. Steve and Regina gave us a jungle themed mat which plays music and has many toy animals.  We used this to try and stimulate Brayden while he was awake.  Brayden also had about 5 minutes of tummy time as well which he took like a champ, though he started to get frustrated towards the end.  We read several books to him, though the whole time he kept mouthing that he was hungry. We took a break from being cooped up in the house and went to a nearby park, where Sherry walked around with the stroller and I was able to shoot some hoops for about 45 minutes.  When we got home, Sherry and I were feeling exhausted so we ate an early dinner and went through the process of getting Brayden to get ready to go to sleep.  We gave him a "short" two hour nap before feeding him again and letting him sleep for another few hours.

So, the 7th generation diapers are also leak prone though not as bad as the Huggies diapers.  The best ones so far that I've used were the Pampers Swaddlers for newborns.  Haven't had an accident in those yet.

Today was a good day in terms of diaper changing, well at least for me (I can't say the same for Sherry).  I was able to foil Brayden's attempts to spray his pee and poop everywhere.

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